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“Empowering yourself begins with educating yourself.”
– Isabelle Guenou, Co-Founder & CEO theblood
Menstrual blood: The key to better diagnostics.
Menstrual blood has long been thought of as nothing more than a waste product by everyone… until now.
Menstrual headaches and migraines: when the menstrual cycle becomes a pain in the head.
Menstrual migraines and menstrual headaches can be a real pain, literally. They are menstrual-related symptoms brought about by the changes in hormone levels throughout the menstrual cycle, commonly experienced just before or during menstruation. In this post, we go head first into what menstrual headaches and migraines are, the different types, why they are caused and what you can do to help them and hopefully prevent them.
How does the menstrual cycle affect sexual desire and libido?
Have you ever wondered about the possible connection between your menstrual cycle and sexual desire? There can be times when the urge for intimacy is on fire, and other moments when it seems to be in hibernation; but is this linked to the menstrual cycle? In this blog post, we are going hardcore into the intricate connection between sexual desire, and libido, and how this relates with phases of the menstrual cycle.
The Winter Blues: Why PMS symptoms can get worse in the colder months.
The winter months can be dark and chilly as it is, but they can also be a time for emotional darkness for some menstruators, with the intensification of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). In this blog post, we take a look into why PMS can get worse during the colder months, and what you can do about it.
Why do you feel more tired around the time of your period?
Have you ever felt more tired than usual during your period? Low energy, not very productive? There is an explanation for why you feel like this… period fatigue. Yup, it’s a thing and it sucks! BUT, there are ways to help manage it and prevent it, which we talk about in this blog post!