Struggling with PMS? 5 tips from a Menstrual Cycle Coach
Do roller coaster mood swings, bloating, and cramps every time before your period, sound familiar? If you are struggling with PMS, just know you are not alone. The good news? There’s so much you can do to ease your symptoms. Naam (@thecyclicalcoach) is a certified Menstrual Cycle Coach & Functional Hormone Specialist and reveals 5 tips to get you started.
What is PMS?
PMS stands for Premenstrual Syndrome. It’s an umbrella term for all symptoms, physical or emotional, that may arise in the second half of your cycle (the luteal phase) and usually subside when your period starts. Around half of women and menstruators worldwide experience PMS symptoms. Most common include:
Physical symptoms: Bloating & fluid retention, cramping, breast tenderness, cravings, fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating & brain fog, insomnia, spotting, hormonal acne, libido changes.
Emotional symptoms: Anger, sadness, irritability, anxiety, mood swings, emotional sensitivity, lower stress resistance.
For more information on PMS and what it is, check out Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - an overview: a blog post by our guest writer Dr. med. univ. Martin Kiebler.
What happens?
In the days before your period, your hormone levels, including progesterone and estrogen drop. Both hormones, and specifically their relation to each other, influence brain chemistry, such as happy hormones like serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin which affect mood and overall health.
While the medical community still discusses what exactly causes PMS symptoms, it is clear that the severity and duration of premenstrual symptoms is highly influenced by your overall lifestyle.
Where to start?
PMS is not something that you have to accept, simply because you have a menstrual cycle and a period. Feeling miserable for days or even weeks before your period is not normal - your body is not dysfunctional or flawed. Your body's a work of art and if it's communicating to you via the only language it knows, aka premenstrual symptoms, then this is an opportunity for you to listen and give it some major TLC.
If PMS impacts the quality of your life, then it's time to address it here. Here's where to start:
The hormone progesterone heats up your body temperature slightly (how cool is that?), so you burn more energy.
Eat a protein-rich, savory breakfast before your coffee (even better is to skip coffee entirely), best case within the first hour of waking up.
Don't skip meals and eat every 3 to 4 hours.
Include healthy fats, protein and fiber-rich complex carbs like quinoa, sweet potato, millet in every meal.
This helps prevent cravings, mood swings and anxiety from unbalanced blood sugar. Reduce processed foods and incorporate ginger, turmeric, omega 3 fatty acids to keep inflammation down - your period will thank you!
In this phase of your cycle, your hormones decline and with that your energy levels. If you go too hard now, such as running, boxing or HIIT daily, that stresses your body out faster in comparison to other phases of your cycle and may lead to it actually losing muscle and holding on to fat. Pay attention to your energy and strength levels and be mindful about when to slow down your exercise duration and intensity accordingly. Opt for chill pilates, yin yoga, gentle walks and stretching in the days before your period.
The way you think about your Pre-Menstrual Time matters. If you go in with resistance ("I hate my Pre-Menstrual") or belittle yourself ("I'm just PMS-ing”), you're ignoring your body trying to communicate with you. What would happen if you approached it with more grace and self-compassion? What if PMS is your reminder to "Prioritize MySelf"?
Self-Care and Socializing
Your Premenstrual is also called your Inner Autumn. Think turning it down a notch, getting cozy at home, hang out with your inner circle, and saying no to things and people that are not a ‘full-body-fuck-yes’! Tend to yourself and listen to your body, instead of pushing and people pleasing 24/7. If you are prone to be sad, snappy or easily irritated, some serious self-care, rest and space always helps. Sometimes also screaming into + punching the pillow, trust me.
Spiritual Stuff
From a spiritual side, the archetype of this phase is the "Wild Woman", or enchantress, femme fatale, siren. All are associated with authenticity, independence, and self-sourced power. The wild woman is unapologetic about her sacred boundaries, trusts her intuition, unafraid to speak her mind and lead with passion and heart. How can you embody her? What would happen if you were more like her in your pre-menstrual?
If you’re looking for a supplement that will help combat PMS symptoms - check out Hey Period. A protein shake specifically designed to help alleviate symptoms of PMS, including mood swings, cravings and bloating.
„Saying no to things and people that are not a ‘full-body-fuck-yes’ is a kind of selfcare.“
Journal Prompts
What Cycle Day am I on today?
Have I experienced similar thoughts, patterns, feelings in my previous cycles around this time?
What do I need more of right now?
What is one thing that I can do today to give myself more love and compassion?
What would feel amazing to say yes to? What would feel freeing to say no to?
What has not been serving me this cycle and why? How can I let go of this?
What are 3 things about myself that I am grateful for?